Meniere’s Articles, Research and Resources

Meniere’s Resources, Articles, and Research 

Here are a series of links and Meniere’s resources that include many websites and clinical studies that I found incredibly helpful for dealing with Meniere’s disease. Many of these links have studies and professional information that support the reason why certain therapies can help alleviate Meniere’s:

Chiropractic and TMJ Related

  • Upper Cervical Awareness and Hearing Loss Help – These two pages specifically address the relationship between a misaligned atlas bone (the topmost vertebrae) and how improper cervical bone neck alignment can cause Meniere’s symptoms. It describes how getting proper chiropractic adjustments of these bones can alleviate symptoms.
  • Study featured in Integrative Health Care, an International Journal, highlights successful restoration of hearing after undergoing chiropractic care.
  • Australian Research Report that also explores the relationship between misaligned spinal and neck bones with Meniere’s.
  • Cervical Vertigo discusses vertigo that is caused by conditions of the neck and spine called cervicogenic vertigo and how to treat it.
  • Symptoms and signs that your atlas is out of alignment. The atlas is the very topmost vertebrae where our nervous system passes though. Is it any wonder that having this bone out of place could cause Meniere’s symptoms or many other disease symptoms?
  • This study indicates the relationship between the cervical spine alignment and how nerves function and also indicates how this misalignment can irritate the nerves and cause symptoms.
  • Symptom relief study indicated that Meniere’s disease has a clear association with TMD and cervical spine disorders and that these three ailments appeared to be caused by the same stress, nervousness, and muscular tension. Pretty amazing!
  • A 40 year old woman with all of the classic Meniere’s symptoms shows significant improvement documented in this study with chiropractic care.
  • Bangor Daily News – article on dizziness citing how it may come from neck and muscle joints rather than the inner ear. The neck structures most likely to cause vertigo are a muscle called the sternocleidomastoid and the uppermost joints of the spine and neck. Treatment is also discussed.
  • The Raman Center– This site explains the relationship between Vertigo, TMJ, TMD and Meniere’s Disease and how it can be treated with proper jaw alignment.
  • Malocclusion and TMD/TMJ – explains the relationship between how the mouth/jaw can affect otherparts of the body and indicates symptoms of TMD/TMJ that are the same as Meniere’s.
  • Dentistry Today article indicating a relationship between TMD/TMJ and Meniere’s symptoms and how this can be treated.
  • Dentist Hamidreza Nassery discusses the connection between teeth/brain/spine and skull as well as how head and neck position is related to TMJ and Cervical issues.
  • TMJ is indicated as a possible cause for aural fullness.
  • Vestibular disorders like Meniere’s are very common and this article illustrates the connection between TMJ, the neck and vestibular impairment.

Allergy Related

  • Two PubMed articles that indicate positive outcomes in patients with Meniere’s Disease who were treated for allergies: Allergic Management of Meniere’s Disease  and The Role of Allergy in Meniere’s Disease. There are also additional articles/studies linked in the citations of these articles.
  • Gluten Free Society – Brief article highlighting the link between vertigo or Meniere’s symptoms and allergic reactions.
  • A study on how consuming cow’s milk can contribute to our symptoms. Eliminating dairy is indicated a as crucial component to managing symptoms combined with other modalities.
  • Proposed Natural Treatment for Meniere’s – Another great resource outlining natural treatment for Meniere’s highlighting the association between Meniere’s and allergies.
  • Understanding Meniere’s Disease – I first stumbled upon this site while searching for natural ways to handle Meniere’s symptoms. There is an incredible amount of background in the body’s inflammatory response, the symptomography that define Meniere’s, the relationship between Meniere’s and allergies,  and how to look for your own personal triggers.  There are also many success stories on people who have made positive changes in their lives and are now living symptom free!

Dietary and Nutrition Related

Viral/Fungal/Bacterial Causes

  • This pub med study indicates that some Meniere’s sufferer’s have recovered their hearing after taking anti-viral treatment.
  • Mold toxicity (also called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) has been linked to Meniere’s. This site relates mold toxicity to symptoms similar to Meniere’s and studies have also found a higher inflammatory response to molds in those of us with Meniere’s.

Brain Stimulation Therapies

Other Resources



I love to read and these books are all ones specifically related to healing that I’ve read and recommend. These books helped me along my path to leading a healthy(er) life. Interested in more clean eating books? See my other book recommendations on my books shop page.


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5 thoughts on “Meniere’s Articles, Research and Resources”

  • Yay! Recipes from my MD pal. CountING down to chiropractic appt. Using my pulse point essential oil blend and feeling a little spunky too. Have upped the water intake to >64 ozs. I’m going to get through this…and eat well guided by you

    • Awesome!! I hope chiropractic works for you! and I hope you enjoy the recipes 🙂 I’m in the process of re-tagging and re-working some recipes to make a specific low sodium section for those of us that need it as well… stay tuned!

  • After being diagnosed with menieres, there is so much documentation but what I’m looking for is what I can eat and not, I understand the low salt , no caffeine. Looking for a nutritionist/dietician but none cover my insurance.

    • Hi Ilene, I’ve recently put together a list of foods for an anti-inflammatory diet. It’s by no means all inclusive of every possible food item but I have most fresh fruits/veggies and other food items listed by what’s typically okay, what to eat in moderation and what to avoid. I’ll send this to you via email as a good starting point. This is the way I eat most of the time and it has worked very well for me.

  • Looking for a way of life regimen diet, what to eat and not, lots of discrepancies; except for the no salt, no caffeine, chocolate etc

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