
Book Shop

The journey towards clean eating can be mind-boggling. I read a lot of informational books about food and how certain foods interact with both body and mind and have watched a number of documentaries regarding humanely raised meat and plant-based eating. The following curated books are the ones that I’ve personal found helpful and enjoyed reading on my journey with clean eating. I’ve also tossed in a few garden books that I love for any of you interested in utilizing your green thumb!

Clean Eating Books




Gardening and Urban Farming Books




Meniere’s  and Allergy Resource Books

Dealing with Meniere’s disease is quite an “adventure” in discovery and patience. The following books helped give me some ideas on how to heal and how to find triggers that would help me manage Meniere’s symptoms.



Note: When you order through one of these affiliate links, I do receive a (very) small commission that helps put food on my table and on the blog. This helps offset the cost of my recipe development while the price is the same for you. I appreciate your support!

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